Saturday, June 4, 2011

10 Months

10 Months Old

Marissa was 10 months old on Memorial Day...and I am finally getting around to what she's doing now.  She babbles a lot (however her favorite is still Da-da-da-da), is waving bye-bye, claps, and is beginning to "dance".  I will have to try to get videos of these amazing acts soon!   She is crawling everywhere and tries to crawl upstairs any time we have the gate down.  Crazy kid.  She recently learned that the cabinets open and close and will spend time in amazement of the never ending open-close fun!  Her other favorite activities include: unrolling the toilet paper and taking things out of containers (this makes doing laundry difficult as she is constantly trying to remove the folded clothing from the basket).  She is a whirlwind of activity these days and is non-stop joy.  Her smile lights up the room and her giggles are contagious.  We sure do love this kid!

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