Saturday, December 31, 2011

17 months old

  • This month her vocabulary has exploded, she is learning new words by the minute.  She attempts to say anything we say now and has picked up several things we have not tried to teach her (like mi-mou, for Mickey Mouse and  memo for Elmo, which is funny because we have not ever watched Elmo with her that I can recall, but she loves him). 
  • With the increased vocabulary, she has also become increasingly bossy (such as screaming BITE or WALLER when she wants a bite of food or a sip of water) so we are working steadily on incorporating please (peas) and thank you (ta-koo) in to her "requests". 
  • She prefers to drink from a water bottle or cup now and is slowly fading out the sippy cup, which I am not too fond of because she is not quite coordinated enough for that, which means Mommy or Daddy have to work a little harder. 
  • Speaking of Daddy, he is seldom Dada anymore unless she is saying "Hi Dada"; she is now calling him Daddy. 
  • She is developing her own independent ways of doing things and knows certain sequences and routines- after we put on her socks she goes and hunts for her shoes.  If her brother is not up after she eats breakfast she will start saying "Bubba" and will head upstairs to wake him up. 
  • She is still our little climber, cabinet opening, drawer emptying, dog-loving, non-stop mess...and we love her more than we can express. 
This is such a fun stage, we get to see her transform from our ever dependent baby into a true toddler....I cannot believe it is happening so quickly, but I love every minute of it and know it will just keep getting more fun!

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