Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve/Day

We went to Christmas Eve services at my parent's church...and boy did we look good (if I do say so myself)

My handsome nephew and gorgeous sis-in-law and niece
One of the greatest gifts I have ever received!

Then we came back and Logan (the oldest cousin) read Charlie Brown's Christmas before we tore into presents.

I am just going to have to say my kids are blessed (because that sounds so much better than spoiled, doesn't it?) to have so many people love on them and give so generously.  I think this was about their 5th Christmas gift exchange this year...and of course they got way to much stuff...but it is appreciated.
The adorable granddaughters

Hyped-up superheros
Then it continued and they opened their Santa gifts on Christmas morning

Honestly, one of the best gifts was the snow, now that I don't have to deal with it on a regular basis, I can sit back and appreciate it.  I loved it and loved that my kids (and husband) had this experience.
Then we drove about an hour away to visit Mommy's cousins whom we have not seen in about 4 years.

This threw 3 more young kids into the mix, it was a lot of fun!

This was a pretty amazing Christmas for us- friends, family, snow, and seeing the magic through young eyes.  I cannot think of a better way to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!  Thanks for blessing us so much!

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