Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Festivities

A whirlwind weekend, celebrating Christmas, surrounded by those we love....who can complain about that?  We started off Saturday watching our friend AnnDee.  It is funny to see how amused both girls were by Nate!
Then Grandma and Grandpa Yancy came over to spoil ALL the kids.  Nate and Marissa had the treat of making gingerbread men (Nate dove head first into his, I wish I had pictures to share of that) while Mommy and Daddy snuck away to Mommy's Christmas party.  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa, it was much appreciated, and so was breakfast the following morning!

Then Sunday morning the kids sang at church.  Marissa wore the tutu and bow her Granny got for her...

How cute is she????

Well, so cute in fact that although only the 2 years and up kiddos were supposed to sing, but they decided she looked so stinking cute that she should go on stage too!  She was by far the youngest and the most entertaining.

Nate did actually sing this year, but mostly played with his shirt...Marissa danced and attempted to body surf but the "security guard" ensured she stayed on stage!  She did almost walk right off the stage, silly girl!  We were blessed to have Grandma and Grandpa as well as Gram Aunt and Uncle Mose see the 2011 debut!

We went home for lunch and a quick nap then Nathaniel had a second performance at daycare.  We had to wake him up from a nap and he was none to pleased about the world was able to behold 'pouty Nate' for the first 2 songs, followed by 'Happy Nate' for the third song! 

While he did sing Christmas songs, it really melted my heart to hear him sing "I am not forgotten, God knows my name".  He also sings a pretty incredible "How Great Thou Art" thanks to our daycare!

Marissa, who always tries to emulate her brother also brought out a pouty face or two, but quickly converted back to our sweet girl. 

 And here he is with Ms. Nidia and Ms. Mary, his teachers this year! 
We are so blessed to celebrate this season with such wonderful people!

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