Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another one....

You guessed it....another ear infection. In all actuality, it is the same infection - just another trip to the doctor, and another co-pay. We went in for Nathaniel's follow up flu shot today (infants have to get 2 shots a month apart). Just for good measure I asked them to check out his ears. The doc came in and looked....when she did not immediately say everything looks fine, my heart sank. So little man not only got his flu shot today, but also got another antibiotic shot. And these shots are horrible. It is a huge needle with a thick antibiotic that hurts going in. Nathaniel barely cried with the flu shot,but was much harder to console with the second one. He has to go back tomorrow for another antibiotic shot. Even though it is for his own good, it makes you feel like a bad parent allowing someone to hurt your child. I wish this phase would pass. However, it really makes me realize what an awesome kid Nathaniel is. Despite having an ear infection for the past 3 months, he is typically a happy kiddo that loves to smile and loves to make people smile.

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