Saturday, December 20, 2008

Update and Eliyah

The saga continues....

Daddy took Nate to the doc on Friday because he is STILL not feeling well and he was seen by a nurse practitioner. She decided to up him to stat status for tubes. As soon as an appointment is available, then away we go to get tubes placed.

This is my light at the end of the tunnel. I really appreciate all the advice and encouragement everyone is sending our way about tubes, etc. However, if it does not work....I think I will loose my mind.

I do not want this to be Nate's future (and at the rate we are going, it feels like it might be):

On a much happier note, we got to spend the day with Eliyah. This is one of Mommy's co-workers kiddos. Eliyah is 2 weeks older than Nathaniel. Although their main form of interacting with one another was stealing toys, it was a lot of fun to watch them together. It was also fun to have such a little petite girl in our home. We are not used to pink and frilly! And, Nicci my hat goes off to you being able to do this daily!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Abby and Izzy are a little jealous of the "other woman" in Nathaniel's life...