Saturday, May 7, 2011

Miss 9 Months

I know this is long overdue, but hey we have had a lot going on!  Little Miss is 9 months old now.  She is recovering beautifully from her ear surgery and has been giving us 3 or 4 hour stretches of sleep at a time.  The first day after the tubes were placed, she would just look at me and get a huge cheesy grin on her face, so I am guessing that means there is a lot of relief now.  Hooray!

I continually stand amazed at how quickly time passes once you have kids.  She is up cruising on furniture or holding onto my pants whenever she can.  Tonight she actually stood and banged two toys together without holding on to anything for the first time.  She also cut her 4th tooth a few days ago.  She continues to only coo and say "da-da-da" much to her brother's demise.  He is anxiously waiting for her to say "Bubba".  He (being Nathaniel) is still the light of her life and can elicit smiles, chuckles and squeals from her like no one else can.  Well, he and the dog...
I know the pic is over-exposed but it is the only one I have been able to take that shows her top teeth at all.   Oh yeah, and we've recently been sporting the Pebbles look (one pony tail on the top of her head) in attempt to manage her unruly do!  This ginning little girl has forever captured our hearts!  I love that she is changing so fast and I sure wish it did not happen so fast.  My prayer is that I am truly treasuring these moments because I know they will be a faint memory all too soon.

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