Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

It is my first Mother's Day with 2 kids...and I am simply in awe of both the gift of Mothers and the gift of being a Mother.  There is nothing I could ever want more than what I am living right now with these 2 precious kiddos and having such a great role model as my own Mom to show me the way.  I am truly blessed!

We had a great Mother's Day.  It started by going to church...
Last week (Easter Sunday) Nathaniel insisted he saw two of his daycare friends, Travis and Julianne.  Knowing Julianne lives pretty far away from this church, I told him I did not think he saw them at church but does see them at school and kinda blew off the whole ordeal.   Later that day facebooked Julianne's mom and found out they do not go to this church...and thus, I think my kid is lying!  So we talked about it again and Nathaniel insisted he saw Julianne and Travis at church.  Later in the week he brought up the incident again and said "I saw Julianne and Travis but Mommy says no".  Well, of course, after leaving his class we ran into Travis and his mom today!  Sure enough, Travis does indeed go to church there.   A little Mother's Day lesson in listening to your kids!  

We then had a delicious Sonic-sponsored picnic in our backyard, followed by Nathaniel's current favorite game, "You can't catch me".  Where Daddy chased one giggling little boy and Mommy held a very amused little girl who was cracking up at her brother!  And I just paused and wished I could capture moments like this forever.

This was followed by a glorious nap time for all! I got Nate upstairs and in bed (but I don't think he ever actually napped).  It is extremely rare that both kids go down at the same time.  Marissa actually fell asleep while I was holding her so I just laid down on the couch and treasured every second of it.  Studying her precious little features - her turned up nose, her rosy cheeks, her wild hair -and wishing I could keep her little forever! 

After nap time we loaded up the family and went to the Aquarium at Moody Gardens.  Nathaniel, like his father, is very into marine life.  His current fascinations, thanks to an Ocean book that we read every night, are sharks and penguins.  There just so happens to be a shark exhibit at Moody Gardens right now and they have quite a few penguins to watch.  Nathaniel LOVED it.  Marissa tended to love looking at other babies in the area more than the fish (I think she gets that from me!). 

Our evening ended with a nice dinner and visiting with our neighbors. I really could not ask for more.  Oh yeah AND I got  two awesome cards and tickets to go see Stomp when they are in town next weekend (I am super excited about that).  What can I say? I am one lucky Mom!

I hope your stopped and treasured your own precious families today.

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