Monday, March 28, 2011

Lessons Learned

Well it is 4:30 am, I have been awake since Marissa woke up for a feeding at 3:00 and CANNOT go back to sleep.  Frustrating? Yes.  This is the second time this week.  Boo.

My family peacefully dozes, my mind wanders......and oh the places it can go!  But right now I am feeling overwhelmingly blessed,  I had a weekend full of fun and laughs with various friends (co-workers about to leave, old ones coming back to visit, friends over for dinner, Grandpa Yancy's birthday, time with my BUNCO girls).  I have an amazing husband, fabulous friends, nice house, great job...and as you know, the PERFECT kids.  My life became so much fuller with the arrival of my kids and I have learned so much from them over the past -almost 3- years. So now it my sleepless state of delirium, I will share with you, the valuable lessons I have picked up recently:

1)  Don't take life too seriously.  A good zerbert or being picked up and spun around the room can change the outlook and make most things better! 

2) I often make mountains out of molehills.  Watching Nathaniel at the park made me realize I too often see the obstacles as something challenging and frustrating rather than something fun to enjoy.  So throw it at me, life....I will swing across some things, have fun climbing to the top of some challenges, and slide down some slippery slopes - hopefully with a smile on my face.

3)  Rolls are adorable, especially covered in dimples!  Everyone comments on how much they love Marissa's thighs.  I have spent far too much time worrying about MY thighs. I need to celebrate the delicious food of which I have partaken and not be so concerned about outward appearances.

4)  Naps are sacred and should be treated as such.  Flexible scheduling is allowed but naps should not be altogether forgotten.  Naps do make the world a happier place!

5)  Tantrums are occasionally acceptable - as long as we can recover and carry on as if nothing ever happened two minutes later.

6)  Strangers are only people we have not yet met.  I have met so many more people since the arrival of my kids.  I think we all need to take the friendly kid approach and smile and wave at complete strangers, often.

7)  Take the term "Make yourself at home" a little more literally.  At random times throughout the week, Nathaniel will go over to our dear neighbors, ring the bell and run inside to see their dog.  And about 9 times out of 10 returns with some trinket or another to take home.  This week it was a video that she had picked up for her grand children's Easter basket (Yes, she did give it to him), other times it has been stuffed animals, a elephant piggy bank, etc.  Although I do not promote him becoming a kleptomaniac, there are lessons to be learned about being comfortable with visiting and receiving gifts from people who find joy in giving to others.

8)  Cuddle for no reason.

9)  Say "I love you" out of the blue.  No one ever really gets tired of hearing it.

10)  Cheering for food, especially ice cream, should be encouraged!  And if you want to break out in a spontaneous dance, that is OK too.

11) Celebrate the routine things in life - like going potty.

12)  Stop to smell, or pick, flowers (or in our case, sticks). All too often we hurry through life, not enjoying the beauty of the little things right in front of us.

13)  You can read a good book several (hundred) times before moving on to the next one, if you want.

14)  Kisses and/or band-aids can instantly "heal" minor injuries instantaneously.

15)  Sleep is a luxury, not always a necessity (Admittedly this is NOT my favorite lesson, please refer back to #4).

Well, it is about time for me to get up and go to work anyway.  So I am signing off for now.  Sweet dreams to all you who sleep......

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