Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trip to NM

Do you believe in angels?  Karey Taylor did.  Karey was one of my best friends' mom.  She was an amazing woman through and through.  She lost her fight to brain cancer at the end of Feburary.  And knowing she is finally seeing her angels face to face brings a little peace.

Sheila and I, along with our two daughers drove all night Thurs night to spent time with Jenn before her mom's funeral.  First of all, let me just state that I am not twenty anymore and should probably give up marathon trips, but it really worked out best for our girls to sleep!  And although we need to do better about getting together under happy circumstances, it was great to spend time with both Sheila and Jennifer. I am so thankful for the frienships and memories we formed during college.  It was so much fun back then....and so fun to recall now!  I did not get pics with Jenn and Sheila but did grab some pics of our beautiful girls:

Marissa and Addalyn
Marissa and Brylan (7 and 8 months)
Destined to be friends!

We also got to watch Trent play a game!  Go TRENT!!!
On the way home we stopped in San Antoino and spent the night at the Scotts.  Amanda's kids are so big now I can hardly believe it.  My solemn vow is to see these friends more often.  It saddened me that Amanda's kids have grown up so quickly.  Time really does fly!  I certainly hope my kids will have friends like these that they can have silly fun with!

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